Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Learning to see the gifts, trying to live in "EUCHARISTEO" #1

1.  A sweet 8yr old boy laying on his back, on the floor, with a big smile and in complete joy, just playing with a balloon.
To have complete joy that a child has in the simplest things, to just take in those small moments, to smile, to have no worries, just living life to the fullest. These precious beings that God has entrusted to us, they are the embodiment of living life to the fullest, watch them, they get joy out of the simple things, hearts so pure and innocent, do their hearts poor out Eucharisteo, and they don't even know it?
How did we lose that, was it all the battering of life, the pain, the disappointments, the fear?
We are to have childlike faith.

'We rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so but we also rejoice in our sufferings". Romans 5:2b-3a.
I am trying Lord, trying to have thanksgiving (Eucharisteo) in everything, trying to see it all as a gift, because it all comes from You, and You are a good and loving God, trying not to live in in the cloud if despair anymore, trying to live life to the fullest because that is what You have for us. You know your plan, I do not.


  1. This is great Melissa I like this!!

  2. I’m here from Ann’s, I know it’s Friday – but there are a whole bunch of thank you counters. First, as someone who has had far more trials than smiles – I’m not one who thinks trials are “good” or “gifts”. I think the world is broken and that’s why we have such a mess to deal with. I find this to be the thing. And I know you didn’t ask my opinion – but why go through stuff and learn if you can’t share to help someone else right? Anyway it came to me one day that God never promised no storms, but rainbows from them. He will make us more like him through them – if we let him. Sorry I preached there – I just know what you’re feeling and I’ve never bought into the “bad” is a gift thing – bad is bad – unless it’s discipline from God – and then still it’s bad!! I figure – never minimize pain – but use it.

    I hope you don’t mind I just prayed for you guys.

    God Bless and keep you and your family - hang in Melissa :)
