Monday, March 28, 2011

One thousand gifts

 I am reading a really great book by Ann Voskamp, one thousand gifts.
As I search to find the joy that has seem to have left my life and has filled the space with fear, doubt, and concern about life and what it is going to bring us, as we are sitting on the edge of what feels like complete ruin: our home, our marriage, lack of work, raising and leading our children in a Godly direction, making right choices in homeschooling,  and as I spent time in an inductive bible study on Revelations, i feel the stress of the signs I see in the world. So I believe God has lead me to this book to help me get my perspective back, to find my joy again, my joy in Him. Oh to have peace, to feel loved, and to be still in Him, and remember He is in control and has a plan,  to just have complete faith in that. So life is not really near ruin, just a time to grow and to trust and be thankful in EVERYTHING. All  I truly want is to have Him say well done my good and faithful servant, but I know there have been times I have failed at that, and given in to fear and concern and frustration, wondering Lord why don't you hear me? I know He does hear me and I know He loves me, I just need to remember "eucharisteo".

1 comment:

  1. I just won this book in a blog contest can't WAIT to get it. You should go to Relevant blog conference in October in PA. Christian women bloggers they are sold out BUT there are chances to get free tickets. WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO JOIN ME!
